Thursday, April 1, 2010

Skeletor’s Wet Dream

-One by one the penguins steal my sanity

-Tunnel thoughts to me

-Beware of the travesty

-Don't sleep the clowns will eat thee

-They come in 3's, transparent tapestries

-My eyes and wildest dreams

-Could not conceive, a contrived penguin plan to deceive

-Streaking terror grabs a hold of what I see

-Can it be I count 1,2....

-A hole in the darkness is forming within me
-A twirling glow is growing within me
-A swirling flow is beginning to pin me
-A thought crows and echoes....they will eat me

-Ectoplasmic spastic spasms force me down

-Moving to my fate with haste

-Awaiting the bubble bath in which I'll drown

-Wiggling squirming I find the taste of cupcakes

-Sweltering and melting soon I'll be brown

-A plot a plan needed for my escape

-Rumbles and quakes, don't think he likes my taste

-Finally a wave to save me safely

-No need to be forgiven for my sins

-I’m goin out the way I came in

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